‘Story of the World’ on Geopolitical Alliances presented to French envoy in Colombo.

• Author meets French Ambassador and hand over a copy of the latest master piece of writing
Colonel Nalin Herath, who is presently holding the position of Director Media at the Ministry of Defence, Sri Lanka presented a copy of his latest book to H.E. Jean-François Pactet, who serves as the Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka, recently.
The Maritime Security Advisor at the French Embassy in Colombo Commander Jean – Baptiste TROUCHE was also present during the session.
Ambassador Pactet and Maritime Security Advisor TROUCHE also took time to exchange pleasantries with the Col. Herath and afterwards drawn-out to a remarkable discussion on international affairs and present-day world’s order.
The book, ‘Story of the World: Geopolitical Alliances and Rivalries Set in Stone’, written by Col. Herath, was initially launched on January 12, 2023 at the presence of Hon Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, State Minister of Defence and General Kamal Gunaratne, Secretary to the Ministry of Defence.
Col. Herath who is well-known amongst the military officers for his familiarity on current affairs, penned his maiden volume titled ‘Globe in a Nutshell’ when he was serving in MINURSO in year 2017. It was extensively sought-after by military personnel and IR students worldwide for their studies and references.
The latest version, published by MD Gunasena, ‘Story of the World: Geopolitical Alliances and Rivalries Set in Stone’, that contains 725 pages is another giant leap forward in his life as it marks the launch of his subsequent master piece of writing.
This volume presents a collection of facts on geopolitics, history, culture, international relations, and it consists with an in-depth analysis about the new world order in the context of current geopolitical developments, particularly the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
At a time it is rare to find contemporary books written on international relations, the painstaking effort of Col. Herath was much valued by the French Embassy Officials during the session.