SLT Mobitel Sabuddhi Sports Gold Award goes to Dinesh and Dulan

Paralympic gold medalist Warrant Officer 1 Dinesh Priyantha and bronze medalist Corporal Samitha Dulan were awarded the Sabuddhi Sports Gold of the Year at the SLT Mobitel Sabuddhi Sports Literary Awards 2020 held with Official collaboration between the Ministry of Sports and the Department of Sports Development.
The awards ceremony was held under the patronage of Minister of Youth and Sports Hon. Namal Rajapaksa at the Sports Ministry Auditorium last evening (03).
The Sabuddhi Sports Gold Awards of the Year are presented to internationally acclaimed sportsmen and women who are dedicated to the promotion of sports culture at the forefront of sports literature.
Last year, Susanthika Jayasinghe received this award. This year the award was presented to Dinesh Priyantha and Samitha Dulan in recognition of their performance excelled and bringing honours to the motherland at the last Paralympic Games.
Anuradha Wijekoon, Secretary to the Ministry of Sports, Amal Edirisuriya, Director General of Sports and other distinguished guests were present at the occasion.
The Awards Ceremony, sponsored by The Chance Sports Gold, was organized for the second time by the Sabuddhi Literary Circle. This is the only awards ceremony held in Sri Lanka on the subject of sports literature.