Outgoing UK Defence Advisor pays farewell call on Defence Secretary

Col. David Ashman, the Resident Defence Advisor to the UK mission in Colombo who will be completing his tenure in the island shortly, made a farewell call on the Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gen. Kamal Gunaratne at the Defence Ministry, today (Dec 07).
Col. Ashman together with Col. Paul Clayton, who will be taking over duties as the new Defence Advisor for Sri Lanka and Maldives at the British High Commission in Sri Lanka met the Defence Secretary at his office this morning.
Gen. Gunaratne extended a warm welcome to both officials and sat for a cordial discussion with them. Col. Ashman expressed his gratitude to the Defence Secretary for the cooperation extended by the Defence Ministry during his tenure in Sri Lanka.
Gen. Gunaratne praised the service of the outgoing Defence Advisor and extended warm wishes for his future endeavours.
Defence Secretary assuring his fullest cooperation and support to strengthen defence related ties between the two countries also expressed best wishes to Col. Clayton for his new posting.
He also presented a memento to the outgoing Defence Advisor as a token of appreciation during the occasion.
The meeting was held in keeping with the stipulated healthcare guidelines to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Military Liaison Officer Maj. Gen. Dinesh Nanayakkara was also present at the occasion.