EDB Explore Easy Shipping Facilities with MERSK for SME Exporters in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) recently organized an online webinar in collaboration with MERSK, a worldwide leading logistic company on easy online shipping methods available for SME exporters in Sri Lanka. The objective of the webinar was to provide information on numerous new opportunities available with exporters in the shipping industry.
MERSK, the leading shipping line introduced its online shipping facility – Twill to the participants. Twill is a tailor-made, end-to-end customer experience built to serve small and medium-sized businesses. Twill’s vision is to create a world where products and services can flow freely for everyone – a vision that has already appealed to over 5,000 active customers. Twill strives to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with a simple, reliable and easy-to-use online platform to manage their logistics efficiently and without hassle. The platform provides greater control of shipments by offering instant price quotes and booking, transparency and tracking services, simplified paperwork and proactive customer care. Twill customers can transport shipping containers port-to-port or door-to-door while offering a wide range of logistics solutions, from transportation to customs clearance. Twill customers are assured to be individually assisted by the MERSK throughout the process. For more information, visit https://www.twill.net.
Ms. Achini Weerawardhana, Actg. Director/Trade Facilitation and Trade Information Division, EDB made the opening remarks. Ms. Mariya Kaed, Customer Engagement Manager and Ms. Limasha Vitharana, Customer Success Partner representing MERSK explained and demonstrated the online platform to the participants.
As the apex state organization in Sri Lanka for the development and promotion of exports, EDB is committed to join hands with the leading export support service organization to facilitate smooth operations in export trade.