Ceremonial opening of the new Administration building at Horana Export Processing Zone

The BOI’s Horana Export Processing Zone Ceremonially opened the new administrative building recently. A total cost of Rs 46 Million was spent to construct this fully furnished building. Mr Sanjaya Mohottala, Director General of the Board of Investment was the Chief Guest at this occasion. The event was attended by a large number of investors, Government officials and the Senior BOI officials.
Mr Sanjaya Mohottala, Director General BOI stated that “our biggest challenge is to maintain the GDP rate at 6% for next 10 years. The main role of the BOI is to uplift the economy of the country while attracting Foreign Direct Investment. We need to provide with necessary infrastructure facilities for the investors. Further healthy investment climate should be created in the country. We have to be more proactive instead of reactive” he added. He further stated that the steps are being taken to develop thrust sectors for investment such as Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture processing , ICT , aquaculture and Rubber etc.. Further, BOI’s responsibility is to provide with more efficient service to our investor community.
Mr H D De Silva Chairman of HDDS (Pvt) Ltd, Mr M K D Lawrence, Executive Director, BOI and Mr Sujeewa Thilakumara , Senior Deputy Director BOI were also spoke at the occasion.
Horana Export processing Zone was established in 1999 on a land of 390 Acres of which 181 Acres are industrial land. The infrastructure facilities at the zone include water, the processing of wast water and electricity, making it attractive to investors.
The zone’s enterprises have a significant impact on the local economy as they provide direct employment of 3375 people and the indirect employment would be doubled. The Horana EPZ therefore promotes the Government’s objective to develop regional industrialization. The total export revenue of the zone was Rs 8632 Million in the year 2019. There are 21 enterprises in commercial operation at the Horana EPZ involved in the manufacture of Apparel & accessories, Food, Wooden, Consumer, Steel & Aluminum and Plastic products.