Aquarius Beach Club Marawila – The Cosy Beach –

If you are interested in relaxing in a small and cosy hideout, in comfortable cabanas along the beach front, the Aquarius Club in Marawila is the ideal places for such an unique experience.
The club is mainly used by Germans interested in sports and a unique feature is the attached indoor stadium which has 4 badminton courts that can be diverted into one tennis court which is considered as the one and only indoor tennis court in Sri Lanka.
In order to foster friendly and close relations between German and Sri Lankan sports enthusiasts, Aquarius Sports Club arranges visiting German sports teams, mostly club sides, to play friendly matches with Sri Lankan national teams, district teams and even mercantile teams.
At present the Club is frequented by weekend holiday makers, Russian guests and Germans who enjoy the close vicinity to the beautiful Indian Ocean. Since the Beach Resort has its own cosy beach, basically bathing in the ocean is possible throughout the rough season as well.
Dr. Dietmar Doering, a German hotelier, who is based in Sri Lanka for over 35 years, is the founder Chairman of Aquarius Beach Club which will be soon diverted into a Marina based mixed development project, something totally innovative to Sri Lanka’s Tourism line in general
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