25th Presidential Export Awards- 2023 23rd November 2023 at BMICH

The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) is pleased to announce that the 25th Presidential Export Awards (PEA) Ceremony will be held on Thursday, 23rd November 2023 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) under the patronage of the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe.
The Presidential Export Awards stands as the pinnacle of recognition bestowed by Hon. President upon exporters who have made exceptional contributions to the country’s export sector and economic advancement.
The EDB extends invitation to Sri Lankan exporters to submit their applications for consideration as recipients of the Presidential Export Awards. This esteemed accolade seeks to honor and acknowledge exporters who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in fostering the growth in economic development.
The PEA initiated by the EDB in 1981, and then EDB has organized 24th Ceremonies for the past years and this year EDB is planning to organize the 25th PEA Ceremony at the BMICH with participation of around 1500 invitees including Hon. Ministers, Diplomatic corps, Government officials, well-wishers as well as exporters.
This year’s awards ceremony will be held to recognize the country’s best exporters for two financial years 2021/22 & 2022/23. The awards will be presented in two main categories with 13 Overall awards and 51 products & Services sector awards for each financial year. Further, Merit Certificates for the deserving sectors will also be awarded as decided by the Panel of Judges based on the performance of the applicants. The selections for the awards were done by an eminent Panel headed by a Retired Judge of the Supreme Court.
In line with the new Government Policy Framework, EDB has implemented new strategies to expand Sri Lanka’s exports and it is expected to increase Sri Lanka’s exports substantially. Accordingly, initiatives taken by the exporters in the areas of market diversification, Product diversification, Innovation, Value addition, introduction of indigenous brands to the world, sustainable initiatives in exports, development in regional value chains, etc. were considered when designing the Overall Awards.
Furthermore, the selection of sectoral Awards will be competitive as evaluation is not only based on the export earnings but also several other criteria, such as value addition for exports, employment creation, growth of export earnings, export proceed repatriations, environment sustainability & corporate social responsibility etc. Also, arrangements have been made to present merit awards for next best companies.
In this year EDB proudly introduces the online application portal https://pea.edb.gov.lk/ dedicated for Presidential Export Awards. Exporting companies will be able to submit online applications through this portal from today till 07th August 2023. Apart from the online application, exporters will be able to get all the relevant details such as Award Categories, Guidelines, Evaluation Criteria, instruction videos to fill the application and the testimonials given by the winning companies on this prestigious PEA Award.
At the PEA Ceremony on 23rd November, the award winners will be received a prestigious PEA Trophy and a Certificate. They have the privilege to use the Presidential Export Award “Logo” as a marketing tool for a 3 year period from this date.
The PEA 2023 is organized by EDB under the guidance and directions of Hon. Dilum Amunugama, State Minister of Investment Promotion and Mr. M. M. Nayeemudeen, Secretary to the Ministry of Investment Promotion.